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Monday, June 16, 2014

Getting On Track for Retirement? Sell Your Los Angeles House Now!

Hi! Let's Talk!

Are you looking to sell your Los Angeles house before you retire? You can retire with a truly peaceful mind once your house worries are sorted out. If your current house does not fit into your future plans, you can put it on the market and get a decent price. The only trouble, you need ample amounts of patience to inch closer to a sale. So, common questions would-be-retirees ask is, “Can I sell my Los Angeles house fast because of retirement?” or “How do I make the most of the transaction at a low risk?” This is where a real estate investment and development company like Blue Label Properties, LLC steps in. As Los Angeles real estate investors, we can take the house off your hands and offer many benefits, cost-wise and in other ways, too.

Blue Label Properties, LLC Can Help You Sell Your House Fast in Los Angeles

Take for instance the question of finances. The longer your house is on the market, the longer you need to hold off your retirement plans.  Instead, you can quickly lower your living expenses and move into a more suitable house, post-retirement, by selling off the current one. In the usual case, scouting the market for suitable selling opportunities takes a lot of time and effort.  But when you have Blue Label Properties, LLC  in the picture, we take care of everything. While we are looking for a house to buy, you are looking to sell yours.  This makes it a mutually win-win situation.  By working with Blue Label Properties, LLC you can usually trust that the transaction will be fair to both the buyer and the seller. When people ask, “Can I sell a house fast because of retirement?” the answer is typically, “yes!”  We are ready to buy houses in most situations, thus saving you from worries.

Is Your Retirement Stalled Due To Needed Home Repairs?

Your house does not need to be in a perfect condition for us to buy it. To you, a house in need of repairs is a liability. You know that it would benefit from a major overhaul, but perhaps you cannot afford the repairs. Sometimes, you may simply wish to let the house go without trouble. A house like this is called a “fixer-upper” in real estate parlance. To Blue Label Properties, LLC your house is a great opportunity for investment. Blue Label Properties, LLC then buys the house from you/the owner, makes the necessary fixes, and may put it on the market right after or chose to keep it. You need not spend money on a house you no longer have any use for. You can speedily and safely dispose of your house, get some money in the process, and freely move on with your retirement plans.

Call Blue Label Properties, LLC Real Estate Investment and Development Company Today To Put Your Retirement Back On Track

The role of Blue Label Properties, LLC is to look out for suitable buying opportunities. If your query is on the lines of “Can I sell my Los Angeles house fast because of retirement?” we can help you do just that. Blue Label Properties, LLC utilizes a house in a profitable manner, perhaps by fixing it and selling it off, using it for private rentals or in some other way. Thus, smart investing also turns a house that’s a liability into an asset.
You may reach us @ 213-293-9509.
Let us help get you get your retirement back on track!

It's Been At Least 22 Years Since I Was 22

It's Been At Least 22 Years Since I Was 22

Pictures posted here, messages and comments posted there, thanks to my slight, but admitted, addiction to social media it's hard not to see or read about my friends' children graduating after their four years away (or locally) at college. As I am wishing nothing but the best for all of those new "now-it's-time-to-get-to-work" college graduates, I find myself trying to recall what it felt like for me to be a new college graduate oh-so many years ago. Frankly, it's been at least (a-hem!) 22 years since I was the age of 22.

Before beginning to write this article, I posed a question to friends on Facebook, asking what advice they would give to a young college graduate entering the working world today at age 22. I got a couple of very honest, very thoughtful answers. One was from a friend in my same age group. She wrote, "Hmmmmm! Things are so different now!"

Truthfully, yes, things ARE very different now! Way back when I first entered the working world as a medical secretary/transcriptionist/office manager, the tools of my trade were the now archaic-sounding pegboard bookkeeping system and the foot pedal driven Dictaphone transcription machine. All medical secretaries/transcriptionists used carbon paper, sometimes multiple layerings, and pink wheeled erasers with whiskery green brushes to sweep the erasure crumbs away (away from multiple layerings, eek!). Because there were no Xerox machines (yes, all photocopying machines will always be known as Xerox machines to me ... and most of my generation) in every office, I remember the excitement of the delivery of my office suite's first very own photocopying machine, a toner-filled "treasure chest" of sorts that would keep me me from having to make bi-monthly trips to the office supply store, lugging that big metal bin, to run photocopies of ledger cards that I would eventually fold and stuff into special perfectly-sized windowed envelopes as patient invoices. Nowadays, "fancy" computerized bookkeeping software like Quickbooks has replaced the paper-filled pegboard bookkeeping system that I had initially relied upon...and computers that keep getting smaller and smaller and faster and faster, plus all types of ink-filled printers...have removed the need for carbon paper, erasers, ledger cards in big metal bins, and even most of the needs for Xerox machines. Fax machines and scanners....?! Yes, things ARE so different now.

Not every graduate graduates knowing exactly what they want to do with the degree they have just earned. Being asked to offer some words of advice to a new college graduate venturing out into the working world today, I would most want those 22-year-olds of today to know that they should always be ready and willing to attempt several completely different things. Don't just head down one path. Branch out! Find out what makes you happy and find a way to make it your job/work. Take me for instance, in all the days of my working life, I have never been one to say "that's not in my job description." I have always (even though at times not in my own best interest) taken on many new tasks, always wanting to remain busy and to learn new skills, using the extra work as a good learning opportunity. What better way to find out what I really did and did not like than by doing it all? If I didn't excel at something, I would either have to learn how to better achieve it or would use the experience as a learning tool that had shown me what was not my forte.

In all the many years of my working life, I can truthfully say that I have experienced fewer than 10 days that I honestly didn't "love my job." I feel very fortunate that I have always been able to find work, using the fine set of skills that I possess, at enjoyable work places, working with "good" people.

So...go forth, always be willing to branch out and do more than what is your job, take on that extra work and use it as a learning tool, find out what makes you happy and find a way to make that your job/work, make sure to always learn how to use all the newest "gadgets" (can't imagine what the future will bring!) ... and may you, too, be able to one day say, "I love my job and the people I work with!"

Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2014!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

9 Things You May Not Know About Me

9 Things You May Not Know About Me:

1. After moving from Alabama to California, when my 1st Grade teacher asked me to read out loud during class, the other kids made fun of me because I "talked funny." (I said "a-er plane" for airplane and "how-us" for house, with a twangy Southern accent of course!)
2. My most successful purchases on the stock market were made by my investing in companies that I simply had a "good gut feeling" about :-)
3. I sleep in socks from December through May and barefooted from June through November.
4. I have eaten Honey Nut Cheerios with skim milk for breakfast for at least 350 days per year for the past 10 or more years.
5. I would rather "burn up" on a hot day than "freeze" on a cold day. (Is this why I wear socks on cold nights?)
6. I was once called "stuck up" by someone who didn't know that I am basically a shy person.
7. I bought my very first pair of prescription reading/computer glasses last summer (2013), having had perfect vision prior to that time.
8. I love the feel of pressing the keys with my thumbs on the QWERTY keyboard of
my Blackberry.
9. I often selflessly put the needs of everyone else before my own.

A couple of things you might not know about Blue Label Properties, LLC:

1. We are not realtors. We are a real estate investment and development company.
2. We are prepared to make you a fast, fair, all-cash offer on your home in as little as 24 hours.
3. If we end up purchasing a house that you refer to us, you are entitled to a $500 referral gift.

Something else you should know...

Feel free to contact us if you would like a fast, fair, all-cash offer on your home.

Visit our website: www.bluelabelproperties.com...or...

Call us! 213-293-9509

Monday, April 28, 2014

Remember to check your pockets!

I can just imagine it being neatly folded into fourths and then tucked securely into the pocket, tucked deep down into the pocket of an item that I would then (accidentally, ooops!) toss into the washing machine. Perhaps because of the gentleness of the cycle it was washed in, it didn't wriggle out of the pocket and make itself known right away; however, it had certainly had an excellent opportunity to become thoroughly water logged and oh-so ready to drift out of the pocket...only to later decompose. 

What am I talking about? The Kleenex, of course!  (Sorry, but a facial tissue will always be a Kleenex to me, as cotton swaps will always be Q-tips!)

Flash to the Laundry Closet: I lean over and pop open the clothes dryer door. There is it! But it is in little bits and pieces ... and stuck all over nearly every single clothing item in the dryer. (Sad face) Gasp! Sound familiar? Only good thing about this whole ordeal is that it was a white Kleenex in a load of whites. Had it been a white Kleenex in a load of darks.... Argh, let's not even go there!

So, how does one deal with a mess like this?

Well, I chose to remove each clothing item, piece by piece, from the clothes dryer and then shake, Shake, SHAKE them...shake them until the little bits and pieces began to fall to the floor. I hung several of the larger clothing items on hangars and then after I pegged them on the metal hanging rack slung over the top of the wooden bi-fold door, I used both of my hands to wipe down the fabric, attempting to downwardly roll the bits and pieces to the floor using kind of a pawing motion of sorts. Then some more shake, Shake, SHAKING after which I chose to tidy up the floor by Dust Buster-ing up the little white bits and pieces. (Hmmm? Will Dust Buster-ing be the new go-to word for cordless portable electric hand vacuum for future generations? Like Kleenex and Q-tips are for my generation.)

Even though I thought I had corralled all the little white bits and pieces, sucking them up inside the DustBuster, they would still, every now and again, rear their little white knubby heads over the next few days, appearing here and there, but thankfully not everywhere. Yup, what a messy ordeal. Things could have been worse though....could have been white bits and pieces on darks...ugh!

So...if you are having a mess of a financial situation with a Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley house that you need to sell quickly, please reach out and contact Blue Label Properties, LLC. While not quite as easy as the solution of ridding clean laundry of bits and pieces of white Kleenex, we do like to think of ourselves as real estate solutions problem solvers. Call us and let us make you a fast, fair, all-cash offer on your Los Angeles San Fernando Valley house! 213-293-9509 or visit our website at http://bluelabelproperties.com

Oh, remember to check your pockets!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

What's on your bucket list?

"Bucket list" - List of things to do before you die
Comes from the term "kicked the bucket"
Reference: Urban Dictionary

20 things I've already checked off my personal bucket list:

1. Ride through very old, very large Redwood, Yosemite

2. Stand high atop Twin Towers, wind in hair, NYC

3. View sun shining inward through Lady Liberty's crown, Ellis Island

4. Talk to Neil Diamond, not faint

5. Snorkel with sea turtles & brightly-colored tropical fish, Bahamas

6. Gum-chewing cocktail waitressing for 1 night, turned into 10

7. Walk deep beneath water, Hoover Dam

8. Give love a second chance

9. Be a brave passenger in small plane piloted by son, not losing cookies til landing

10. Sing & dance, in costume, up on stage, in front of audience

11. Stand atop icy "blue" glacier, Alaska

12. Ride gondola to top of Mount Roberts, learn to speak Tlingit, Alaska

11. Stand in full rain gear, Cave of the Winds, Niagara Fall

12. Ride NY, NY roller coaster, not lose earrings, Las Vegas

13. Ride Singapore Flyer, 300+ feet high, Singapore

14. Ride Pink Jeep, see "living" things, Grand Canyon

15. Explore deep caverns & The Alamo, San Antonio

16. Hand feed zebra, wishing it could have been a giraffe

17. Teach iPad & perform science demonstrations to eager students

18. Do what my "gut" says is the right thing

19. Learn a new skill

20. Write a Blog!

So, what about YOU? What's on your bucket list?

If something you've always wanted to check off your bucket list includes...

Get a fast, fair, all-cash offer on my home!


Call Blue Label Properties, LLC

We buy houses Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley!

Call us! 213-293-9509

Or visit us on www.bluelabelproperties.com

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Birds and The Bees

What's with all the birdies suddenly tweeting so loudly every morning? Did they all just recently sign up for new Twitter accounts?! All the chirping (tweeting?!) that can be heard very early every morning is a true sign that Spring has definitely Sprung in my hometown of Encino.

The evidence of Spring is everywhere! My backyard rose bushes are full of big, fat, ready-to-split-open buds. My petite-sized backyard orange trees are full of almost too many sweet-smelling blossoms---blossoms that seem to arrive fully equipped with their very own supply of uber-busy, furry-legged bees a buzzin' all around them in search of pollen. I pause to wonder, do bees actually get to taste the sticky nectar that I see dripping from the inner most area of the blossom? Or is that for the birds? Or both? (Ahem, are we now talking about "the birds and the bees"?!)

....as far as all the other assorted flowering plants in my backyard are concerned, they seem to be ready to burst forth into full-petal BL@@M at any moment! While we received hardly any rain this "rainy" season here in Encino, the mere arrival of the first day of Spring on my wall calendar seems to be able to coax the buds and blossoms out of so many plants, even the under-watered ones.

Back to the birds...Oh, those little birdies! They are so busy chirping in all the trees on my neighborhood street every Spring morning. And, yes, there are even a few slightly annoying ones that begin as early as 3:30 a.m. They are the true harbingers of Spring! The early risers! The worm-getters! Their tweets are not too difficult for someone to decipher, if you listen carefully, as they tweet out the good news to their friends....




But then there's that one tweet....the oh-so-annoying one--


That one! :-)

Ah well, as much as I don't like to be awakened so early from my slumber during these first few weeks of Spring, I do very much like to hear the sweet sound of the chirping birds. They give me a reason to smile :-) You?

Getting back to business...

Blue Label Properties, LLC has a Facebook business page, belongs to Google+, and is on Linked In, but they don't have a Twitter account....yet.

So for the time being, we'll just have to leave it to the tweeting birds to remind you....

If you need to sell your Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley house, for any reason, no matter the condition, contact us and let us make you a fast, fair, all-cash offer.
Our motto: We buy houses fast for cash Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley!

Call us! 213-293-9509
Visit our website: http://www.bluelabelproperties.com

Thanks for reading....Tweet out!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Oh...and please don't lean on the screen

My turn to talk...

Back "in the day" when one needed the services of a particular business, they looked things up in the Yellow Pages. Remember? I do! I can remember really needing a sliding door screen repaired about 20 years ago and having difficulty even finding the right category in the phone book. You see, somehow those sweet, little Golden Retriever puppies, Missy & Shadow, had gotten big enough to stand up and lean into the screen with their front paws...and not only separate the entire mesh of the screen from the frame but to tear certain areas of it into little flaps. So, in figuring out how to take care of this, was I supposed to drag out the Yellow Pages and look under  the category heading of "screens," "sliding doors," "sliding door screens," "home repairs," "repairing screens, " "contractors"...or... "Help!"...? FYI: I think I finally found someone under the heading of "Handyman"....makes no sense, huh?! Yes, the MAN was HANDY, but what did that have to do with repairing sliding door screens? Get my drift? AND, when this "accident" (yes, for all "bad" things that "good" ... think beloved ... dogs do can be labeled as "accidents") happened a second time, I purchased my very own D.I.Y. screen repairing tools, some screen mesh, and an aluminum protective but decorative grate to attach to the bottom of same screen door. Yup, call me "HANDYWOMAN"!

Looking things up is so simple and easy nowadays, thanks to the world wide web! Anyone needing to know about anything can just Google it! I remember lugging the Encyclopedia Brittanica out of the bookcase at my parent's home to look something up for a school report or project. Not just one book, but a set of about 20 books, labeled alphabetically and categorically by topic. Do young people even know of these reference books anymore? Everything is either Google-ed or Wikipedia-ed, isn't it?!

Getting back to business...

Let's say you want to sell your house in Los Angeles fast for cash, you type "sell my Los Angeles house fast for cash" into your Google search bar. It's that simple! No wondering what category or heading or speciality services to flip back and forth through the Yellow Pages for...searching endlessly...and maybe never being able to get rid of that unwanted property.

Oh...and please don't lean on the screen.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Would you like an extra $500 of spending money?

Does this sound like you or someone you know? "Boy, I could sure use an extra $500 of
spending money right about now!" Whether the $$ is needed for a reason like paying your upcoming April 15th tax bill, funding your child's school tuition, putting meals on the table, buying yourself a new spring wardrobe or splurging on tickets to a really good show, who couldn't use an extra $500?

Good referrals are valuable to us at Blue Label Properties, LLC. That's why, for every deal that closes, we will pay $500 to the person who referred us to the property.

Could that person be you?

Let's talk! If you know someone who might need or want to sell their Los Angeles house fast (think San Fernando Valley and surrounding areas -- Encino, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Calabasas, Malibu, Burbank), refer them to us...and before long...if we end up buying their house...
you could be that lucky person with an extra $500 of spending money jingling around in your

Call us today with your referral! 213-293-9509 www.bluelabelproperties.com

P.S. I hope it's YOU! :-D

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Will this tune be stuck in your head all day?

Sit a spell and enjoy some snazzy music while you watch this short video on how


"Let Us Take Over The Burden of That Unwanted Property"

Need to Sell Your Los Angeles House?

We Buy Los Angeles - San Fernando Valley Houses.

We Buy Los Angeles Houses Fast For Cash!

Call us! 213-293-9509

Or check out our website: www.bluelabelproperties.com

Let's Talk!

Hi, I want to introduce you to the FASTEST, friendliest and most STRESS FREE way to sell your house. Our motto is “We Buy Houses Los Angeles – San Fernando Valley”!

Here at Blue Label Properties, LLC we offer flexible solutions to your unique situation no matter why you would want to sell your Los Angeles – San Fernando Valley house fast. We have CASH and do not need to wait on a bank’s approval for financing. This makes selling your house to us quick and easy.

At Blue Label Properties, LLC we understand that selling a house can be stressful – especially when you want to sell your house FAST because you need money quick. We always try and run our business with the seller’s experience in mind. If we can meet with you, create a “fair” all cash offer to purchase your Los Angeles – San Fernando Valley house, close on a date of your choice, and treat you with dignity and respect during the selling process…then why wouldn’t you want to do business with us? Of course you would. That is why you should contact us and give us an opportunity to see what we can pay for your home.

We Buy Houses Los Angeles – San Fernando Valley For Many Reasons:

- Relocating / Job Loss
- Inherited An Unwanted Property
- Tired Of Being A Landlord
- Going Through A Divorce
- Just Don’t Want To Deal With A Real Estate Agent Or Picky Buyers
- Facing Foreclosure

We always conduct business with honesty and integrity.
With absolutely no fees or commissions on your part – is it worth a quick chat to see how we can help?

We are Blue Label Properties, LLC, and if you need to sell your Los Angeles house fast for cash, We Buy houses Los Angeles – San Fernando Valley!

Check out our website listed below or contact us directly at 213-293-9509
Let’s talk!